Having taken some off from modeling soon after her win, Ximena is back in action signing with international agencies and booking her first international magazine cover (to be revealed soon!)
Taking some time away from her now-full schedule, Ximena sat down with us to discuss the latest cycle of NEXT TOP MODEL:
TM: Thank you so much Ximena for taking the time to speak to us! We understand you're so busy and all, and I am sure the readers appreciate it greatly.
Ximena: No problem at all. I'm all for it.
TM: Alright now, BNTM is taking a short break at the moment, but the first three eliminations have been quite grueling and often times surprising. Was that the case with your Cycle, do you think?
X: Most definitely. I mean back in my Cycle Mari, the most edgiest of the group with so much potential, was cut first. It was a huge shock for me personally because I felt she had it in her to make it much farther, if not win it all. In the early stages of the comepetition I really doubted myself, my ability to make it to the end.
TM: But you pulled through nonetheless, and here we are now!
X: I know! It's still so surreal to me though.
TM: Have you been watching this new Cycle, by the way?
X: Oh, most definitely! I mean, the show is so addicting to begin with. And it's still so exciting even now watching it as a viewer once more, after I went through it all. It's really crazy sometimes.
TM: I bet! Now, do you have any early favorites?
X: I think the crop of girls this time around is so incredibly talented that I can really see any of them making it till the end. I mean, one look at Lilith and you just see "Model." Same goes for Reina and Montserrat. They just have it in them. And then you have Tiffany who may not be the most striking of the girls but she delivers every time photographically. She's the one to look out for, I'm sure.
TM: Seeing as you've obviously been through it all once before is there anything you would advise the remaining models as to how to take in this experience, or perhaps how to cope with the fame that follows?
X: I would say to enjoy it, because boy what an experience it truly is! I mean the people you get to meet and work with is just worth going through it all. As far as coping with success I can't really give to much advise because, well, I am learning how to cope with it at the moment. The fans have been so supportive and all. It's really overwhelming. Same goes for those who are not my fans. It's tough listening or reading what they think of me, but I have to stick it out because I am a public figure now. That's the price of it all. But with it comes all the good, which is what I let in to my life.
TM: Well said, Ximena. Before we go, what should we expect to see from you in the near future?
X: Let's see....am I able to reveal anything, though? I'm not too sure, but definitely look out for me as I debut as a the new Face of GAP (picture above). There's more, but it's all hush, hush for now ;P
TM: Thank You so much, Ximena. We'll be looking out for sure ;)
X: You're welcome!